One of the functions of the Social Work Accreditation and Advisory Board (SWAAB) is to uphold standards of professional conduct and code of ethics of the social work profession through the accreditation system. As such, a social worker or social service practitioner who is accredited as a Registered Social Worker-Provisional (RSW-P), a Registered Social Worker (RSW) or a Registered Social Service Practitioner (RSSP) is required to abide by the Code of Professional Ethics of the Singapore Association of Social Workers (SASW) adopted by SWAAB for all accredited professionals.

A complaint may be lodged to SWAAB against a social worker or social service practitioner for breaching the Code of Professional Ethics only if he or she is a RSW-P, RSW or RSSP at the time of the complaint. The accreditation status of the professional may be verified through the Register of Accredited Professionals. In addition, the complaint must be submitted in the Complaint Form in order for it to be considered by the Board. The complainant must give consent to have the full information of the complaint to be disclosed to and shared with the accredited professional(s) complained against and to attend the inquiry in the event a disciplinary inquiry is called.

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