The Association offers various types of membership to individuals who are passionate and dedicated to participate and make a difference towards a greater sense of professional identity.
SASW Members fall under 4 Categories:
- Attained at least 1,000 hours of Social Work practice including field placements and are currently employed / residing in Singapore.
- Ordinary Members are eligible to apply for accreditation with the Association as a “Registered Social Worker”.
- Do not qualify for Ordinary Membership but possess a professional qualification in Social Work recognised by the Association.
- Passed examinations in Social Work recognised by the Association.
- Engaged in Social Work Practice to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee / Membership & Registration Board. Standing Committee.
- Do not qualify for Ordinary membership but hold qualifications at the tertiary level (defined by the Ministry of Education as consisting of polytechnic diplomas and university degrees) recognised by the Association.
- Currently engaged in positions whose employment places them in close association with social workers within the social and/or health services.
- Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents undergoing an Association recognised course of professional Social Work Training locally or overseas or
- Undergoing an Association recognised Social Work course of Study locally.